Type Members
case class
BHEvent(start: DateTime, end: Option[DateTime], description: String) extends Product with Serializable
case class
BHMeasure(date: DateTime, value: Double, initialPoint: Int, status: Int, qualification: Int, obtainingMode: Int) extends Product with Serializable
case class
BHStation(code: String, name: Option[String] = None, comment: Option[String] = None, townCode: Option[Int] = None, townName: Option[String] = None, x: Option[Double] = None, y: Option[Double] = None, projection: Option[Int] = None, startDate: Option[DateTime] = None, endDate: Option[DateTime] = None) extends Product with Serializable
case class
BHThreshold(label: String, v: Double) extends Product with Serializable